[[NikaRun6|Back to the NIKA run 6]] == Offline processing NIKA Run 6 == === Environment of the observations === [[Skydip_comp|Skydips Method: Comparison Run5-Run6 (AC)]] [[attachment:skydip.pdf|Run6 skydip summary (AC)]] [[LissMovie|Lissajous movie (FXD)]] [[attachment:Log_Iram_tel_v1.ods|One line summary of each scan ]] (FXD) also as an [[attachment:Log_Iram_tel_v1.save.txt|IDL saveset]] [[TausRun6|Plots of taumeter (225GHz), tau 1mm and tau NIKA 2mm, and their ratios using FXD's spreadsheet summary of each scan (SL)]] === Data processing problems === [[http://www.iram.fr/wiki/nika2/index.php/RZdataProc|Commissioning: looking carefully at the data, listing problems to understand / improve in the future the instrument hardware or software and consequently data quality (SL based on RZ emails)]] === Beams study === [[Focus lissajous|Focus with lissajous scans (RA)]] [[Focus lateral|Effect of the lateral focus on the geometry (RA)]] [[Beam study on Saturn|Beam study on Saturn (RA)]] [[ZemaxNIKA_PSF|Zemax simulations of the PSF (beam from a point source)]] === Astronomy === [[HLS091828|Brief analysis of HLS091828 data (RA)]] [[M87-M82|Maps of M87 and M82 (RA)]] [[M87|Spectrum of M82 (RA)]] [[M82|Spectrum of M87 (RA)]] [[MM18423|Brief analysis of MM18423 data (RA)]] [[18Jun2013|Early photometry results from last night observations (June 18) (FXD)]]