[[NIKA/Main|Back to the NIKA main page]] = NIKA run #7 (Early 2014) = [[PrepRun7|Nov 2013 installation of the cryostat back on the 30m]] [[GoalsPrepStaffN7|Goals of the run, preparation notes, schedule and staff]] [[DetectorInformation2014N7|Detector Information]] [[ListOfAstroTarget2014N7 | List of Astronomical Targets, observing strategies & documentation]] [[attachment:NIKA_cryostat_instructions_v2.pdf | Instructions for turning on and off the NIKA cryostat for the IRAM Granada staff]] [[DailyReports7 | Daily Reports]] [[D2DLogNika7 |Day to day logbook of observations & Quick look plots table]] [[OffProcNika7 |Offline processing Results]] [[WishNika7 |Wish list for next runs]]