= Horsehead analysis = [[OffProcNika5|Back to the NIKA run 5 Off processing page]] We compare NIKA 5x5 arcmin maps obtained with one hour of integration time (See Fig 1) and a Mambo2 map (30 min of integration time) kindly made available to us by Pierre Hily-Blant (PHB et al, 2005, AA, 440, 909). {{attachment:AllMapRadec_Horsehead_20121123_38_45.jpg|Fig1: NIKA Horsehead maps (signal above, noise below) at 1mm (left) and 2mm (right) |width=800}} The NIKA data (8 OTF scans in Az or El zigzag mode) have been projected on the Mambo header. The pixel size is 6 arcseconds for both instruments. The following figure shows the direct corrrelation of the pixel brightness in mJy/beam (see Fig 2). The agreement between diffuse emission in the 2 maps is very satisfactory considering the preliminary opacity corrections and some filtering in both maps. {{attachment:CorrelMambo_Horsehead_20121123_38_45.jpg|Fig2: NIKA Horsehead brightness correlation with Mambo2 brightness pixel per pixel|width=800}}