= How to access RUN 5 data? = .The main repository is with ftp on ''share.neel.cnrs.fr'' Ask your local coordinator for the usual account and password. Go to the directory ''/Archeops/NikaRun5AllData'' .The raw Camadia data are in ''Z33*'' directories. Use convert_fits_files2,/noimb to convert the raw data to fits files (experts only). Due to network bandwidth limitations, the fits are now uploaded [April 2013]. .The raw antenna fits files are in the directory: ''AntennaIMBfits''. A summary logbook of main telescope parameters per scan can be [[attachment:Log_Iram_tel_v1_1.xls|retrieved here]] including comparison of Tau measurements. .Focal Plane Geometry info fits files (NP production) are in the directory: ''FitsData'' .In preparation, processed fits files containing for each scan the deglitched and calibrated (taumeter tau-corrected and Uranus 22s222 converted to Jy/beam) Pf, fkid, RA, Dec timeline for each valid kid. The timeline can then be projected on maps after filtering and decorrelations: (10 Dec 2012) : THIS IS AVAILABLE for the 22nd and 23rd of November: In the ''CFits'' subdirectory. [[NikaRun5|Back to the NIKA run5 page]]