= NIKA Polarisation Run, NIKA run #12 (Feb 2015) = [[NIKA/Main|Back to the NIKA main page]] [[ListOfAstroTarget2015N12 | List of Astronomical Targets, observing strategies, PaKo]] [[DailyReports12 | Daily Reports]] [[D2DLogNika12 |Day to day logbook of observations & Quick look plots table]] [[Checklistunmount |Check list ciao NIKA]] The 3rd NIKA polarisation Run takes place from February 10th to February 17th, 2015. Here is the precise schedule... [[ http://www.iram.fr/IRAMFR/PV/sche/15/s07v3.html | week 3 ]] '''List of tests''' ----- Author: Andrea Catalano email: catalano@lpsc.in2p3.fr Created: 2015.02.09 Last update: 2015.02.17