[[Continuum/NIKA2/Main|Back to the NIKA2 main page]] = NIKA2 run #11 (June 2017) = [[GoalsPrepStaffNika2Run11 |Goals of the run, preparation notes, schedule and staff]] [[InstrumentInformationNika2Run5 |Detectors and other Instrumental information]] (run 5 page, since it's identical, expect for the array 1 smooth lens) [[ListOfAstroTargetNika2Run11 |Astronomical Targets, and observing information]] [[DailyReportsNika2Run11 |Daily Reports]] [[D2DLogNika2Run11 |Day to day logbook]] : Scan types table, Pipeline RTA logbook (Quicklook plots table), TAPAS. [[OffProcNika2Run11 |Offline processing Results]]