NIKA October 17th, 2015 / S8 [[D2DLogNika2Run1 |Back to list of day to day logbook of observations]] == 2015-10-17 == ---- ==== Following not updated ==== The sky is populated with thick dark clouds, but there is a forecast of a clear patch from 9:30 to noon. Set Focus : we start at 0.0 mm We updated ini.pako. Remember 1mm difference between the focus of NIKA and the focus of the other IRAM instruments due to the design of the optics (SL). .Quick description of the session: focus tests.'' ---- Data Repository: /home/nika2/NIKA/Data/run13_X/scan24_X ||'''Scan'''||'''UT'''||'''Source'''||'''Command''' ||'''Az'''||'''El'''||'''Pointing X, Y, Focus'''||'''Tau225'''|| '''Comment''' || || 92 || 07h14 || Mars || Track point || 124 || 47 || 0,0,0. || 0.72 || Another day of NIKA2 awesomeness begins. || || 93 || 07h19 || Mars || Pointcross || 125 || 47 || 0,0,0. || 0.72 || Problems with the pointing. MC investigates. || || 94 || 07h31 || Mars || Pointcross || 126 || 48 || 0,0,0. || 0.71 || Clouds receding. Scan successful. Taumeter pointing South, not very informative at the moment. || || 95 || 07h35 || Mars || Pointcross || 129 || 50 || 1.4,-1.5,0. || 0.71 || || || 96 || 07h46 || Mars || Focustrack || 129 || 50 || 1.4,-1.5,0. || 0.65 || Axis=Z. || || 97 || 07h48 || Mars || Focustrack || 134 || 52 || 1.4,-1.5,0.2 || 0.68 || Axis=X. Corrections around 0. with large error bars. Cannot trust corrections given the sky conditions. || || 98 || 07h52 || Mars || Focustrack || 136 || 53 || 1.4,-1.5,0.2 || 0.67 || Axis=Y. Xfocus=0.0 Yfocus=0.0. For completeness. || || 99 || 07h55 || Mars || Beammap (1/3) || 141 || 55 || 1.4,-1.5,0.2 || 0.64 || || || 100 || 08h11 || Mars || Beammap (2/3) || 147 || 56 || 1.4,-1.5,0.2 || 0.63 || Glitch in the timelines. We should repeat. || || 101 || 08h26 || Mars || Beammap (3/3) || 151 || 57 || 1.4,-1.5,0.2 || 0.72 || || || 102 || 08h42 || HLS091828 || Track point || 143 || 46 || 1.4,-1.5,0.2 || 0.65 || Tracking source for sensitivity characterization. Loaded from NIK2R1 catalogue. || || 103 || 08h45 || HLS091828 || Pointcross || 144 || 46 || 1.4,-1.5,0.2 || 0.63 || First pointing. || || 104 || 08h47 || 3C273 || Track point || 131 || 43 || 1.4,-1.5,0.2 || 0.65 || Checking pointing on nearby brighter source. || || 105 || 08h50 || 3C273 || Pointcross || 131 || 43 || 1.4,-1.5,0.2 || 0.63 || First pointing. || || 106 || 08h54 || HLS091828 || Track point || 148 || 48 || 0.5,-0.2,0.2 || 0.65 || Tracking source. Sky is mostly clear. A few scattered clouds. || || 107 || 08h56 || HLS091828 || OTFgeom || 148 || 48 || 0.5,-0.2,0.2 || 0.67 || Sensitivity characterization. || || 108 || 09h09 || Mars || Track point || 168 || 60 || 0.5,-0.2,0.2 || 0.72 || Back to Mars. || || 109 || 09h11 || Mars || Pointcross || 168 || 60 || 0.5,-0.2,0.2 || 0.68 || First pointing. || || 110 || 09h19 || Mars || Beammap (1/3) || 169 || 60 || 2.1,0.7,0.2 || 0.61 || Retrying beam maps on Mars. || || 111 || 09h31 || Mars || Beammap (2/3) || 169 || 60 || 2.1,0.7,0.2 || 0.59 || || || 112 || 09h47 || Mars || Beammap (3/3) || 169 || 60 || 2.1,0.7,0.2 || 0.65 || || || 113 || 10h03 || Jupiter || Beammap (1/3) || 195 || 59 || 2.1,0.7,0.2 || 0.77 || Jupiter is just 30' from Mars, with a nice distribution of its satellites: it's too tempting, just for the fun of the picture! CANCELLED: Map too small. || || 114 || 10h13 || Jupiter || OTFgeom_20am || 195 || 59 || 2.1,0.7,0.2 || 0.67 || Setting scan to map Jupiter with its satellites (1200" x 240"). 14h (see scan 136): we realized we got the wrong direction of offset: Azimuth increase right to left in Xephem, not left to right !!!! || || 115 || 10h41 || || Skidip || 206 || || 2.1,0.7,0.2 || 0.70 || || || 116 || 10h50 || || Skidip || 206 || || 2.1,0.7,0.2 || 0.69 || weather not so good, do some skydip stat, while looking for the right test scripts on Jupiter's satellites || || 117 || 10h59 || || Skidip || 206 || || 2.1,0.7,0.2 || 0.63 || || || 118 || 11h08 || || Skidip || 206 || || 2.1,0.7,0.2 || 0.69 || || || 119 || 11h14 || Ganymede || nkotf || 206 || 45 || 2.1,0.7,0.2 || 0.69 || Testing nkotf script, first in AZ-EL. Trying to get Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa in one map. CANCELED! Many telescope alarms switched on. Stop. Juan Luis restarted the system. Then wind too high. || || 120 || 12h21 || Mars || Track || 242 || 41 || 0.0,0.0,0. || 0.71 || Relaunch !PaKo, Back on track || || 121 || 12h23 || Mars || Pointcross || 242 || 41 || 0.0,0.0,0. || 0.71 || Same problem as each time we start !PaKo while NIKA Control is already running: desynchronized scan. Restart all NIKA control instruments. || || 122 || 12h34 || Mars || Pointcross || 242 || 41 || 0.0,0.0,0. || 0.8 || High opacity, High wind... || || 123 || 12h41 || Mars || Focus || 242 || 41 || -2.6,-2.6,0. || 0.8 || quite noisy, redo to check || || 124 || 12h47 || Mars || Focus || 242 || 41 || -2.6,-2.6,0.3 || 0.8 || even worse, untrusty || || 125 || 12h50 || Mars || Pointcross || 242 || 41 || -2.6,-2.6,0.3 || 0.8 || || || 126 || 12h55 || Mars || Focus || 247 || 37 || -0.5,-3.4,0.3 || 0.8 || OK, a bit less noisy, big error bars but confirm previous scan || || 127 || 13h00 || Ganymede || track || 250 || 35 || -0.5,-3.4,0.3 || 0.8 || Trying to get Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa in one map. Testing script + map with objects showing an orientation. NCS crashed|| || 128 || 13h18 || Ganymede || track || 250 || 35 || -0.5,-3.4,0.3 || 0.8 || NCS crashed|| || 129-131 || 13h25 || Ganymede || track || 250 || 35 || -0.5,-3.4,0.3 || 0.9 || NCS crashed, Juan Luis and Israel working on it.|| || 133 || 13h25 || Ganymede || track || 250 || 35 || -0.5,-3.4,0.3 || 0.9 || NCS crashed. Apparently the problem is Ganymede: NCS doesn't know how to track a planet's satellite !!!|| || 134 || 14h00 || Jupiter || track || 250 || 35 || -0.5,-3.4,0.3 || 0.9 || Now it works. Looks like Ganymede was indeed the problem !|| || 135 || 14h10 || Jupiter || OTFgeom_20am || 195 || 59 || 2.1,0.7,0.2 || 0.9 || Jupiter too low to make the nkotf test. the time to find another triple source redo OTF (1200" x 240"). Cancelled: wrong direction of offset, Azimuth increase right to left in Xephem, not left to right !!!! || || 136 || 14h20 || Jupiter || OTFgeom_20am || 195 || 59 || 2.1,0.7,0.2 || 0.8 || Now OTF (1200" x 240") with the right offset. Very cloudy now...|| || 137 || 14h45 || MWC349 || track || 65 || 42 || -0.5,-3.4,0.3 || 1 || MWC349, Cyg A, and DR21OH are all close to each other and should allow us to test scripts multi source and Jy level calibrator, even though the weather start to degrade severely|| || 138 || 14h53 || MWC349 || Pointcross || 65 || 42 || -0.5,-3.4,0.3 || 1 || sky too noisy source too faint on the map, apply offset still|| || 139 || 14h53 || MWC349 || Pointcross || 65 || 42 || -10.7,15.2,0.3 || 1 || sky too noisy source too faint on the map... || || 140 || 15h05 || MWC349 || Pointliss || 66 || 45 || -10.7,15.2,0.3 || 1 || Pointliss to have a better S/N. OK: now it's better and more consistent with the offsets we have since we updated the pointing model. || || 141 || 15h05 || MWC349 || Pointliss || 66 || 45 || -2.22,-5.62,0.3 || 1 || Redo after the significant change of pointing offset. || || 142 || 15h15 || DR21_OH || Track || 64 || 46 || -2.22,-5.62,0.3 || 1 || Given the weather, rather than the map on MWC349 we prefer focus on the script test on a source with a structure oriented. || || 143 || 15h15 || DR21_OH || Pointliss || 64 || 46 || -2.22,-5.62,0.3 || 1 || Quick check to see which of DR21_OH and Cyg A appears best on the map. || || 144 || 15h26 || Cyg A || Track || 69 || 55 || -2.22,-5.62,0.3 || 1 || || || 145 || 15h26 || Cyg A || Pointliss || 69 || 55 || -2.22,-5.62,0.3 || 1 || Result of the quick check: DR21_OH appears correctly at 1 and 2 mm, while Cyg A is extremely bright at 2 mm but can' t be seen at first glance on the 1mm quick map. || || 146 || 15h35 || DR21_OH || Track || 66 || 52 || -2.22,-5.62,0.3 || 1 || Given the result of the quick check, we choos DR21OH for the scan / orientation test. || || 147 || 15h39 || DR21_OH || nkotf || 66 || 52 || -2.22,-5.62,0.3 || 1 || Test nkotf 10 10 0 0 azel (= 10x10 arcmin, subscan along azimuth, steps in elevation) || || 148 || 15h55 || DR21_OH || nkotf || 66 || 52 || -2.22,-5.62,0.3 || 1 || Test nkotf 10 10 90 0 azel (= 10x10 arcmin, subscan along elevation, steps in azimuth). starts raining... || || 149 || 16h07 || DR21_OH || nkotf || 66 || 52 || -2.22,-5.62,0.3 || 1 || Test nkotf 10 10 90 0 radec (= 10x10 arcmin, subscan along declination, steps in right ascension). CANCELED: RAIN. || || 150 || 18h00 || MWC349 || Track || 67 || 78 || -2.22,-5.62,0.3 || 1 || Resume after 2h of rain and wind. || || 151 || 18h05 || MWC349 || Pointcross || 67 || 78 || -2.22,-5.62,0.3 || 1 || Acqui crashed. || || 152 || 18h12 || MWC349 || Pointcross || 67 || 79 || -2.22,-5.62,0.3 || 1 || No source. Vertex was closed. || || 153 || 18h15 || MWC349 || Pointliss || 67 || 80 || -2.22,-5.62,0.3 || 1 || Canceled: too much wind again ! Damned ! ||