Describe NK2013_Jun16 here. [[D2DLogNika6 |Back to list of day to day logbook of observations]] == 2013-06-16 == .Cryostat Temperature: 220mK . .Arrays status today: 192 pixels 1mm ; 128 pixels 2mm .Modulation frequency: 8kHz 1mm, 4kHz 2mm Opacity is measured with the new taumeter at 225 GHz For start: .Working with the new pointing model (rms went from 5 to 2 arcsec for yesterday pointing session) .Nasmyth offset 28, 28 implemented in the pointing model .offset 0 0 /system nasmyth .Quick description of the session 14h30 to 2h UT * Calibration: Pointing, focus, otfgeom. * Secondary calibrators: CRL618, GL490, HLTau, L1551, W3OH, 3C84, IRC10216 * M82 2'x2' lissajous * Skydip * SZ on RXJ * rhoOph * CygA * M33 * Faint sources to measure noise figures (20-40 mJy range at 1mm) ||'''Scan'''||'''UT'''||'''Source'''||'''Command''' ||'''Az'''||'''El'''||'''Pointing X, Y, Focus''' ||'''Tau225'''||'''Found (pointing + other)'''|| '''Comment'''|| || 70 || 15h13 || Mars || Track || 271 || 36 || 0, 0, -2.4 ||0.76 || ||tuning the resonances || || 71 || 15h15 || Mars || Track || 271 || 36 || 0, 0, -2.4 ||0.76 || ||tuning the resonances || || 72 || 15h17 || Mars || pointliss || 271 || 36 || 0, 0, -2.4 ||0.76 || -7 -3, -8 -2, FW 19 24, flux 85 26 || || || 73-77 || 15h17 || Mars || focusliss || 271 || 36 || -8, -2, -1.5 ||0.76 || found for focus -1.5, flux 81 26, fw 16 20, poin -12 0 || || || 78 || 15h30 || Mars || pointliss || 273 || 33 || -12, 0, -1.3 ||0.76 || -11 -4, -11 -4, FW 14 18, flux 154 46 || || || 79 || 15h34 || Mars || otfgeom || 275 || 31 || -11, -3, -1.3 ||0.74 || -10 -5, fw 14 18, flu 157 47 || || || 80 || 15h48 || CRL618 || track || 290 || 36 || -11, -3, -1.3 ||0.74 || || || || 81 || 15h48 || CRL618 || faintliss || 290 || 36 || -10, -5, -1.3 ||0.74 || -12 -1, fw 14 18, fl 5.7 3.7 || || || 82 || 15h57 || CRL618 || faintliss || 291 || 35 || -10, -5, -1.3 ||0.74 || -12 0, fw 14 19, fl 5.7 3.2 || || || 83 || 16h03 || L1551IRS5 || Track || 275 || 22 || -12, -1, -1.3 ||0.74 || || || || 84 || 16h04 || L1551IRS5 || faintliss || 275 || 22 || -12, -1, -1.3 ||0.74 || || || || 85 || 16h10 || L1551IRS5 || faintliss || 275 || 22 || -12, -1, -1.3 ||0.74 || || || || 86 || 16h16 || HLTau || Track || 277 || 20 || -12, -1, -1.3 ||0.74 || || || || 87 || 16h17 || HLTau || faintliss || 277 || 20 || -12, -1, -1.3 ||0.74 || || || || 88 || 16h23 || HLTau || faintliss || 279 || 18 || -12, -1, -1.3 ||0.74 || || || || 89 || 16h28 || W3OH || Track || 331 || 23 || -12, -1, -1.3 ||0.74 || || || || 90 || 16h30 || W3OH || faintliss || 331 || 23 || -12, -1, -1.3 ||0.74 || || || || 91 || 16h38 || 0716+714 || Track || 340 || 49 || -12, -1, -1.3 ||0.76 || || || || 92 || 16h40 || 0716+714 || pointliss || 340 || 49 || -12, -1, -1.3 ||0.76 || -12 -3, fw 11 17, fl 15 6 (opacity bug corrected) || || || 93 || 16h45 || M82 || Track || 356 || 57 || -12, -3, -1.3 ||0.76 || || || || 94 || 16h45 || M82 || faintliss2 || 356 || 57 || -12, -3, -1.3 ||0.76 || || || || 95 || 16h52 || M82 || faintliss2 || 355 || 57 || -12, -3, -1.3 ||0.76 || || || || 96 || 16h57 || M82 || Track || 355 || 57 || -12, -3, -1.3 ||0.76 || || || || 97-104 || 16h58 || M82 || 4x(faintliss2+Track) || 355 || 57 || -12, -3, -1.3 ||0.76 || || || || 105-109 || 17h10 || M82 || faintliss2 || 355 || 57 || -12, -3, -1.3 ||0.76 || || || || 110-113 || 17h49 || DYI-Tip || SkyDip (3 Tracks first to keep resonances, then skydip) || 346 || 57 || -12, -3, -1.3 ||0.76 || || Cancelled, antenna shaking too much || || 114 || 17h56 || DYI-Tip || SkyDip || 346 || 57 || -12, -3, -1.3 ||0.71 || || || || 115 || 18h05 || 3C279 || Track || 150 || 42 || -12, -3, -1.3 ||0.71 || || || || 116-120 || 18h08 || 3C279 || focusliss || 150 || 42 || -12, -3, -1.3 ||0.71 || -8 -1, foc -1, fw 13 18, fl 4.9 6.2 || || || 121 || 18h25 || M87 || Track || 159 || 63 || -8, -1, -1 ||0.75 || || || || 122 || 18h25 || M87 || faintliss2 || 159 || 63 || -8, -1, -1 ||0.75 || || || || 123-124 || 18h30 || M87 || faintliss2 || 161 || 64 || -8, -1, -1 ||0.75 || || || || 125 || 18h43 || HATLENS01 || Track || 137 || 75 || -8, -1, -1 ||0.73 || || || || 126-132 || 18h45 || HATLENS01 || faintliss || 137 || 75 || -8, -1, -1 ||0.73 || || scan 132 high wind stop at the end of scan 19:22|| || 133 || 19h47 || HATLENS01 || faintliss || 137 || 75 || -8, -1, -1 ||0.73 || || resume after cryostat back from a high 250mK, cancelled|| || 134 || 19h || HATLENS01 || faintliss || 137 || 75 || -8, -1, -1 ||0.73 || || cancelled due to wind|| || 135 || 20h || 3C279 || track || 191|| 46 || -8, -1, -1 ||0.73 || || || || 136-140 || 20h10 || 3C279 || focusliss || 193|| 46 || -8, -1, -1 ||0.67 || -11 +2, foc -0.8, fw 13 19, fl 5 6 || || || 141 || 20h15 || RX1347-1145 || track || 177 || 41 || -11, 2, -0.8 ||0.69 || || || || 142-145 || 20h16 || RX1347-1145 || otfsz || 178 || 41 || -11, 2, -0.8 ||0.69 || || || || 146-149 || 20h30 || RX1347-1145 || otfsz || 187 || 41 || -11, 2, -0.8 ||0.69 || || || || 150-153 || 20h45 || RX1347-1145 || otfsz || 189 || 41 || -11, 2, -0.8 ||0.69 || || || || 154-157 || 20h54 || RX1347-1145 || otfsz || 191 || 40 || -11, 2, -0.8 ||0.69 || || || || 158-161 || 21h00 || RX1347-1145 || otfsz || 194 || 39 || -11, 2, -0.8 ||0.66 || || || || 162-165 || 21h12 || RX1347-1145 || otfsz || 196 || 39 || -11, 2, -0.8 ||0.66 || || || || 166-169 || 21h20 || RX1347-1145 || otfsz || 198 || 38 || -11, 2, -0.8 ||0.66 || || computer running pako froze, reboot needed || || 170 || 21h35 || 3C279 || cross || 221 || 37 || -11, 2, -0.8 ||0.66 || 6, 4 || problem with focusliss (an update on greg display was wrong) || || 171 || 21h40 || 3C279 || focusp || 221 || 37 || -11, 2, -0.8 ||0.66 || fits not good || || || 172-176 || 21h48 || 3C279 || focusliss || 224 || 36 || -11, -2, -0.8 ||0.67 || -9 1, foc -0.8, fw 13 18, fl 4.2 5.9 || || || 177 || 22h00 || NRAO530 || pointliss || 143 || 32 || -9, 1, -0.8 ||0.65 || -9 -2 || || || 178 || 22h00 || OPHB1-1 || track || 166|| 27 || -9, -2, -0.8 || 0.62 || || || || 179-182 || 22h09 || OPHB1-1 || otf4x4 (Az then El with tracks) || 166|| 27 || -9, -2, -0.8 || 0.62 || || cancelled at scan 181 due to high velocity wind||