= Observation log NIKA/IRAM 2011 Sheet No: 07 Date: 20111023 Observer: SL+FXD+CH = -------------------------------------- => only RECEIVER + BACKEND combination that works to create fits in ncsServer is to choose heterodynes devices: Receiver E090, Backend BBC Nas_Az = 19.2, Nas_El = 18.6 === 20111023 === ||'''Scan'''||'''UT'''||'''Source'''||'''Command''' ||'''Az'''||'''El'''||'''corr_Az corr_El Diam Amp A'''||'''corr_Az corr_El Diam Amp B'''||'''Tau'''||'''Comment'''|| || 39 || 19h51 || Uranus || track || 130 || 40 || n/a | n/a || n/a | n/a || 0.3 ||Clouds gone tau=0.3|| || 40 || 19h53 || Uranus || track || 131 || 40 || n/a | n/a || n/a | n/a || 0.3 ||Problem with resonances|| || 41 || 20h01 || Uranus || track || 131 || 41 || n/a | n/a || n/a | n/a || 0.3 ||Resonances oscillate too much too fast: certainly due to wind. Wait that time traces become more stable|| || 42 || 20h55 || Uranus || OTF_pointing || 149 || 48 || n/a | n/a || n/a | n/a || 0.3 ||try see effect of sky noise on focus stat|| || 43 || 20h57 || Uranus || track || 150 || 49 || n/a | n/a || n/a | n/a || 0.3 ||Redo resonances || || 44 || 21h04 || Uranus || OTF_pointing || || || n/a | n/a || n/a | n/a ||jump ||No: too much noise || || 45 || 21h15 || Uranus || OTF_pointing || 157 || 51 || n/a | n/a || n/a | n/a || n/a ||Try decorrelation in Camadia map: No. Wait|| Too much wind. Have to stop and park the telescope. :-(