11.06.2007-11:00: <
Granada: DJ, RM, SN, HU <
PV: JP (later with SL) <
== ==
1. According to JP, it is very likely that from the Wed. 20.06 the telescope
will be available after the heavy maintenance for observation tests. Then
bolometer tests will be performed after that maintenance time. <
2. For the bolometer tests, the observing procedures with the absorber prepared
for the last tests will be used: on-off in azimuth and elevation (asymmetric
mode) with a throw of 90". (accTest.pako in pools07). <
3. Question to RZ: Are all the bolometers equally affected by the acceleration
problem ? <
4. A bolometer status page was created. The minutes will be posted in a link
from that page (http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/MamboWebPage) <
5. TT time is allocated during the period 22.06-25.06 and will serve for
monitoring the pointing sources used during the bolometer observations. <
== ==
1. During heavy maintenance (18.06-22.06), JP, DJ & SN will be present at the
telescope. JP will be available during the day. SL will be present from 20.06
until 25.06 for bolometer tests/observations. <
2. Some of the time may be used for remote observing tests with Bonn. To be
coordinated with WB <
== ==
1. SN & DJ will be available to measure some electric influence connecting an
oscilloscope to mambo2 (channel outputs, more?): electric spikes in correlation
with higher noise, earth problem may be difficult to detect (SN),
electromagnetic pulse ? <
== ==
1. The changes of parameters in the drive program to test the bolometer response
will be done during NCS TT in late June/early July (HU) with the NCS team. The
bolometer should be kept cooled until these tests. <
2. The mambo2 platform may be "tuned" (how?) to check the effects of a less
effective vibration damping. This will be correlated with the spike intensity
noise. JP noted that we have no specification about that platform. <
3. The technician responsible for the vibration measurements during the heavy
maintenance will be at the telescope the 20.06/21.06. Some measurements will
be performed directly on the bolometer platform and in the Rx cabin. <
4. JP commented the difference between the Cascade/Basic driving procedures.
Cascade Controller used during tracking seems to show more abrupt movements
than the Basic mode. We will try two different on-off configurations, with
small and large offsets (>< 400 "), to switch between the two driving modes
and check <
for difference in the bolometer response.
5. The pump connection will be investigated to check its effects on the
bolometer vibrations. <