= Useful information for observations =
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== List of Astronomical Targets for NIKA2 (from NIKA2R1.sou) ==
last edited by CK 1-Mar-2016, FXD 14-SEP-2016, LP 20-JAN-2017
Here is the full detailed formatted list [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/ListOfAstroTargetNika2Run5?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=SourceNIKA2R5.txt |Full list]] with some fluxes. Rename it to NIKA2R5.sou to use it in Pako.
For Run6 onward, there is the detailed [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/ListOfAstroTargetNika2Run5?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=NIKA2R6.txt |list file]] which is converted to a [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/ListOfAstroTargetNika2Run5?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=NIKA2R6.sou.txt |source file]] in the pako directory as NIKA2R6.sou .
=== LST coverage created for JAN-2017 ===
1. Planets [[attachment:planets_jan2017.eps|planets]]
2. Strong Galactic sources for OCT-2016 [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/ListOfAstroTargetNika2Run5?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=StrongGalSources.pdf|Strong Gal. Sources]]
3. Strong pointing sources for OCT-2016 [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/ListOfAstroTargetNika2Run5?action=AttachFile&do=view&target= StrongPoiSources.pdf|Strong Pointing Sources]] see also [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/ListOfAstroTargetNika2Run5?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Strong_point_sources_4oct.png | Strong_point_sources_4oct.png]]
4. Secondary Calibrators (from Lisenfeld+2000) for OCT-2016 [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/ListOfAstroTargetNika2Run5?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Secondary_calibrators_4oct.png | Secondary_calibrators_4oct.png]]
From previous runs:
* Radio sources from IRAM catalog [[attachment:nika2-radio.pdf|nika2-radio.pdf]].
* Planets, Asteroids, and Secondary Calibrators (from Lisenfeld+2000) [[attachment:nika2-secondaries.pdf|nika2-secondaries.pdf]]
* Strong Galactic sources [[attachment:nika2-galactic.pdf|nika2-galactic.pdf]]
* Weak Galactic sources [[attachment:nika2-weak-galactic.pdf|nika2-weak-galactic.pdf]]
* Nearby galaxies [[attachment:nika2-nearby-galaxies.pdf|nika2-nearby-galaxies.pdf]]
* Distant galaxies or faint quasars [[attachment:nika2-distant.pdf|nika2-distant.pdf]]
=== Details on planets and asteroids ===
Uranus and Neptune are well known primary calibrators for photometric calibration and for beam maps. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn can be used for the errorbeams or to map the satellites.
==== Rough fluxes from Gildas (as for the 10th of October), FXD 14/9/2016 ====
The following table gives only rough numbers for the fluxes. Note that some are varying in R.A./Dec, distance, flux and brightness temperature.
||Name ||Right Ascension||Declination||Diam (arcsec)||Flux @ 1.15 mm Jy||Flux @ 2.00 mm||TB K ||
||MERCURY ||<)> 11:51:44.9196 ||<)> 02:56:00.150 ||<)> 5.93 x 5.93 ||<)> 597.5 ||<)> 200.1 ||<)> 450 ||
||VENUS ||<)> 14:47:06.2781 ||<)> -16:34:10.983 ||<)> 12.35 x 12.35 ||<)> 2591.6 ||<)> 867.7 ||<)> 350 ||
||MARS ||<)> 18:23:47.8701 ||<)> -25:40:05.564 ||<)> 8.56 x 8.52 ||<)> 586.4 ||<)> 197.6 ||<)> 216.19 ||
||JUPITER ||<)> 12:22:15.7663 ||<)> -01:12:49.785 ||<)> 30.56 x 28.58 ||<)> ||<)> ||<)> 170 ||
||SATURN ||<)> 16:42:35.4635 ||<)> -20:48:14.213 ||<)> 15.74 x 14.04 ||<)> ||<)> ||<)> 150 ||
||URANUS ||<)> 01:25:44.5719 ||<)> 08:18:55.917 ||<)> 3.69 x 3.58 ||<)> 43.96 ||<)> 18.42 ||<)> 93 @1mm, 113 @2mm ||
||NEPTUNE ||<)> 22:46:40.7347 ||<)> -08:42:41.192 ||<)> 2.30 x 2.24 ||<)> 17.143 ||<)> 7.185 ||<)> 93 @1mm, 113 @2mm (yes, same as Uranus) ||
==== Accurate fluxes ====
For accurate fluxes, use the following predictions from recent planetary models:
* For Uranus and Neptune:
* Download the [[ ftp://ftp.sciops.esa.int/pub/hsc-calibration/PlanetaryModels/ESA2 | ESA2 templates ]] of the model of Moreno 2010 ("Neptune and Uranus planetary brightness temperature tabulation. Technical report, ESA Herschel Science Center).
* Download the [[ ftp://ftp.sciops.esa.int/pub/hsc-calibration/PlanetaryModels/ESA4/ | ESA4 templates ]] of the models of Moreno and Orton described by Bendo et al. 2013 ([[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013MNRAS.433.3062B | Flux calibration of the Herschel-SPIRE photometer]], MNRAS 433, 3062, 2013).
* For Mars:
* Visit the [[ http://www.lesia.obspm.fr/perso/emmanuel-lellouch/mars/ | web page]] of Emmanuel Lelloche. It will ask for the HPBW at 300 GHz which is ~8" at the 30m.
For asteroids, please check the information compiled here on the [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/Continuum/Calibrators|Pointing sources and calibrators wiki page by IH]].
=== Fluxes of quasars used as pointing source ===
IRAM conducts several observatory programs at the 30-m Pico Veleta telescope to monitor the time variability of extragalactic continuum sources. A webpage dedicated to these [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/FluxMonitoring/fluxesOverview.html| flux monitoring programs]] has been created. The fluxes are mainly monitored at 3 and 2 mm, but there's also several 1 mm measurements.
== Interface with the telescope: Pako ==
Short manual on useful "Pako for Nika" see on Granada computers on the NIKA directory Pako_helpv??.txt ==> Obsolete. Has been replaced by much simpler procedures listed on the control computers screen wallpaper:
- Pako scripts are in the Pako subdirectory
- Before starting the pointing session, we may be requested to move the azimuth by 60deg to reset the inclinometer of the az axis.
- Always stay at more that 1 deg from the Sun. There are internal safeties that prevent the antenna to point to the Sun, but we may not get error messages.
- The antenna can point between 60 and 460 degrees in azimuth, between 20 and 80 degrees in elevation.
- If a source is available both at low and high azimuth, use command SET TOPO LOW (or SET TOPO HIGH) to stay on the source without moving.
- The minimum number of sources to observe for the pointing model is 15. 30 is good enough.
- the pointing sources should be observed on 'short' period, e.g. 3-4 hours to avoid daily pointing variations.
== Commissioning requirements and observations plan ==
see the [[http://www.iram.fr/wiki/nika2/index.php/NIKA2Commissioning_Observation_Plan_for_Run5 |private wiki]]