= Useful information for observations: List of astronomical Target, Pako scripts, Real Time Analysis, Observing strategies = <> == List of Astronomical Target for Nika February 2015 run12 == [[NikaRun12|Back to the NIKArun12]] The nominal NIKA frequencies for this run are 260 and 150 GHz (ie 1.15 and 2.00 mm). It follows the selected list of polarised radio sources for the calibration. [[attachment:NIKA2015R11PolIramRun11.pdf|List of the Sources]] References and results are written [[http://www.iram.fr/wiki/nika2/index.php/NIKARun11|in this private page]] ----- == Interface with the telescope: PaKo == Short manual on useful "Pako for Nika" see on Granada computers on the NIKA directory Pako_helpv17.txt - Pako scripts are in the Pako subdirectory - Before starting the pointing session, we may be requested to move the azimuth by 60deg to reset the inclinometer of the az axis. - Always stay at more that 1 deg from the Sun. There are internal safeties that prevent the antenna to point to the Sun, but we may not get error messages. - try to get sources uniformly distributed on the sky, hence give priority to high elevation sources that are usually harder to reach. - Do one focus at the beginning. No need to do more focus than one every 2-3hours. The antenna can point between 60 and 460 degrees in azimuth, between 20 and 80 degrees in elevation. - If a source is available both at low and high azimuth, use command SET TOPO LOW (or SET TOPO HIGH) to stay on the source without moving. - The minimum number of sources to observe for the pointing model is 15. 30 is good enough. - the pointing sources should be observed on 'short' period, e.g. 3-4 hours to avoid daily pointing variations