PAKO preparation for 2012 ------------------------- ; v9 is at the start of 2012 (copy of v8) !! preliminary: if you want to use xephem with the position of the telescope displayed in real time ! run the following sequence from the command prompt slogin mrt-lx3 ps xa |grep & ! check if the script is already running, if not do the following useNCS & ! once the script is running type: /vis/xephem/xephem !!!! Interface to NCS Summary of PAKO user's manual ! starts a comment line - command is continued @ filename to execute the script filename ; Telescope fits are in mrt-lx1 /ncsServer/mrt/ncs/data/imbfits/ het or bol ; To start pako ssh t21@mrt- gopako pakodisplay pako !!! Check that the NCS knows the current project is t21 !!! otherwise the telescope will not obey you pako commands ! !!! --> look at the OperatorControl screen and/or ask the operator set project t21 set pi "Alain" set observer "Xavier" ! If not sending commands (outside normal run) do: SET DOSUBMIT NO SET LEVEL 0 0 ! very verbose SET LEVEL 1 1 ! chatty SET LEVEL 3 3 ! less SET LEVEL 5 5 ! none ! Choose one of the 2 azimuth topology possibilities to decide on which end of the ! azimuth overlap you want to set the origin of the 360 degrees azimuth circle ! May be usefull to avoid a complete turn (>8min) to go from one source ot another SET TOPOLOGY LOW ! selects to use the azimuth range 60 to 420 degrees SET TOPOLOGY HIGH ! selects to use the azimuth range 100 to 460 degrees SET ANGLEUNIT arcsec ! make sure angle units are arcsec. ! Remember to reset offsets! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OFFSETS /Clear ! total power (no secondary wobbler) SWTOTAL ! Choose a well known heterodyne instrument or bolometer for pointing purpose ! ASK Samuel RECEIVER /CLEAR ! ! RECEIVER BOLO ! set pointing mobel of MAMBO2 !! Normaly the default backend for bolo is ABBA (MAMBO2 backend) but thide doesn't exist anymore !! As a consequence NCS does not record FITS files !!! ! ! Attention if there's an incompatibility between RECEIVER and BACKEND IMBFITS are not created either !!! ! So do can't choose a heterodyne backend with bolo. ! To do for Oct 2011 (will be different in the future when NIKA will be integrated to Pako): RECEIVER E090 /Default BACKEND /Clear BACKEND BBC /Default ! ! prepare a catalog ! NIKA.sou (see wiki web) to put in the directory : ! t21/pako ! Choose a catalog with a .sou extension CATALOG SOURCE NIKA.sou HELP source ! select a source ! No case matching, but name must be full SOURCE W3OH ! or a planet SOURCE Mars ! to check the catalog HELP SOURCE ! Once you have entered an observing mode (See below) ! if you want that the telescope executes your commands do no forget SET DOSUBMIT YES ! start an observation (MAKE SURE you want that) START ! (if you still have DOSUBMIT NO, nothing happens, but the commands ! are in the queue and they will be executed when SET DOSUBMIT YES) !!!!!!!!! Observing modes !!!!!!! ! procedure to focus ! to set focus SET FOCUS 0 ! On the fly mode (cover all array pixels) for pointing and alignment. Expensive. OTFMAP -180 -180 180 -180 - ! offsets at start and end of first otf subscan /notf 61 ! number of subscans /step 0 6 ! steps between subscans in arcsecond /system truehorizon ! projection AzEl is used to define the map /totf 36 ! time of a subscan /zigzag ! go back and forth /reference no ! not necessary except if there's a conflict with /system !! Attention to the tracking speed (= subscan length / totf) if you choos >10"/s keep an eye !! on the tracking errors trackAz and trackEl in real time on the telescope control screen !! this information is also stored in the FITs files ! Correct pointing to center on the array by giving a and b OFFSET a b /SYSTEM Nasmyth ! correct the focus SET FOCUS -1 ! Small map to check the focus quickly OTFMAP -48 -48 48 -48 - ! offsets at start and end of first otf subscan /notf 17 ! number of subscans /step 0 6 ! steps between subscans in arcsecond /system truehorizon ! projection AzEl is used to define the map /totf 10 ! time of a subscan /zigzag ! go back and forth ! 4 switching modes (3 useful for bolometers) ! total power SWTOTAL ! Beam switching SWBEAM ! wobbler switching negAmplitude posAmplitude 0.6 seconds per phase! SWWOBBLER -30 +30 /TPHASE 0.6 ! Observing modes CALIBRATE ! pointing cross of given length (in trueHorizon system) POINTING 120 ! skydip ! stop wobbler SWTOTAL /tphase 0.6 ! tip at azimuth 180, scan airmass from 1.1 to 4.1 by steps of 0.6 TIP 180 /airmass 1.1 4.1 0.6 /tsubscan 12.0 ! position switching ONOFF ! ! example (give ON offsets and OFF offsets, 2 positions each, 2 systems) ONOFF 30 40 /reference -600 -700 projection /SYSTEM projection ! other options (30 seconds per subscan): /nsubscans 12 /symmetric /tsubscan 30 ! projection is RADEC system here ! can use /SYSTEM trueHorizon too ! if wobbler on use the following special mode ! in that case the off position is automatically on the off wobbler position ONOFF /swwobbler /nsubscans 12 /symmetric /tsubscan 30 ! not used by bolometers TRACK ! everything in J2000 ! x=(l-lsource)*cos(b) ! y=b-bsource ! to define the source SOURCE ! if needs to offset from source use OFFSET a b /SYSTEM projection ! then it is in x and y as above ! or OFFSET a b /SYSTEM trueHorizon ! then Delta az= (az-azsource)*cos(elev) ! and Delta el= elev-elevsource ! or OFFSET a b /SYSTEM Nasmyth ! Remember to reset offsets! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OFFSETS /Clear !options /t... refers to time /n... refers to number /f... refers to frequency /temp... refers to temperature ! See example of startup p21 ! Pointing SWBEAM POINTING /default START ! Set the corrections SET POINTING 3.4 -1.2 ! Focus (length in mm) FOCUS 2 /nsubscans 6 /tsubscans 12 START ! enter the correction SET FOCUS -2.1 ! Useful in a script PAUSE "Sequence Something OK to start ? [c/q]" ! a chance to check ! and also SAY " blabla " ! save last command SAVE name ! retrieve a command @ command_name