= NIKA2 run #8 January-February 2017 = [[Nika2Run8|Back to the NIKA2 run 8 page]] <> == Goals of the run == Continue the commissioning started in run 5 and continued in run 6:<
> * '''Open the cryostat, change the array 1 corrugated lens with the old smooth lens to see if the flat field (gain) gradient we observe since run 5 on this array is due to a problem with the corrugated lens'''. * After cooling down the cryostat few hours of tests on sky to check wether everything is OK or if we need to warm up to fix something inside the cryostat. * Given the operations done during phase 1 of the run (Jan 10-12), namely 5mm drop of the 50K optics block which was too high, and tightening the M6 stop screw (+ implementation of the pneumatic actuator before the Feb phase 3), need to redo the alignment (laser for pointing + ecosorb for pupil alignment), and then the pointing model. * Start real test observations in February: again '''perform the scans which are the most useful for commissioning: stack more beam maps at various focus (Z,Y,X), various elevation and various scan orientations.''' * Continue to monitor regularly secondary calibrators to check stability of the instrument gains. * Continue any necessary work on detectors working point, electronics, acquisition, synchronizations, data files... monitoring possible effects on the beam maps. * Continue all necessary calibration scnas (pointing, focus, skydips...) * In parallel to beam maps, test deep integration on well known sources to show reproducibility in reaching the rms expected. * Map extended features (see previous run). * Start polarization commissioning. See all the [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/GoalsPrepStaffNika2Run5|goals listed and described in run 5]] and related links for more details. == Schedule of the run == * [[http://www.iram.fr/IRAMFR/PV/sche/17/s02v2.html|January Telescope Schedule]]: opening of the cryostat, lens change, closing, cooling down. * [[http://www.iram.fr/IRAMFR/PV/sche/17/s08v1.html|February Telescope Schedule]] 24h/day Observations.<
> All the persons who will participate to the run must appear in the table below; each one must have informed at least Samuel, Esther (for the rooms in Granada and at the telescope), Beatrice (for the ones who fly on IRAM funds, see [[http://www.iram.fr/wiki/nika2/index.php/Travel_rules|NIKA2 travel rules]]). Staff of the run: table of the nights spent at the observatory for the NIKA2 collaboration members participating to the run (T = Tuesday, S = Saturday, 1 = night scheduled at the telescope, g = night in Granada office. <
> * JANUARY: || People\Date || 9 || T10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || || Confirmed travels:|| || A. Monfardini || g || 1 || 1 || 1 || || || A. Benoit || g || 1 || 1 || 1 || || || A. Catalano || g || 1 || 1 || 1 || || || Sleep at obs. (*)|| 0 || 3 || 3 || 3 || || (*) Count persons from the NIKA collaboration not from IRAM Granada. || People\Date || 23|| T24|| 25|| 26|| 27|| || Confirmed travels:|| || A. Catalano || g || 1 || 1 || g || || || L. Perotto || g || 1 || 1 || g || || || Sleep at obs. (*)|| 0|| 2 || 2 || g || || * FEBRUARY: -- MOVED TO RUN 9 PAGES -- IRAM's [[http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/AstronomerOnDutySchedule|Astronomer on Duty]].