##acl NicolasBillot,hermelo,CarstenKramer,SamuelLeclerc:read,write,delete,revert,admin Default = Calibrators = Unfortunately, planets are not always visible and Here we propose some secondary calibrators to observe when these planets are not visible. <> ---- == Primary Calibrators == Sources with well known fluxes are essential to calibrate continuum observations. The primary calibrators used at the IRAM 30m telescope are Mars, Uranus and Neptune. The following table provides flux measurements taken at the IRAM 30m radiotelescope: || Planet || MAMBO Flux [Jy] || NIKA 1 mm Flux [Jy] || NIKA 2 mm Flux [Jy] || GISMO Flux [Jy] || Comments || || NEPTUNE || 13.99 || || || || MAMBO: 48 onoffs. || || URANUS || 36.62 || || || || MAMBO: 420 onoffs. || || MARS || 108.36 || || || || MAMBO: 824 onoffs. || ---- == Secondary calibrators == The following list provides flux measurements for a list of secondary calibrators to be observerd when planets are not visible. || Source || RA [J2000] || DEC [J2000] || Size ["] || MAMBO Flux [Jy] || NIKA 1 mm Flux [Jy] || NIKA 2 mm Flux [Jy] || GISMO Flux [Jy] || Comments || || G34.3 || 18:53:18.56 || +01:14:58.2 || 11x9 || 19.90 +/- 0.80 || || || || MAMBO: 572 onoffs. || || G10.62 || 18:10:28.66 || -19:55:49.7 || -- || 9.12 +/- 0.00 || || || || MAMBO: 241 onoffs. || || W3OH || 02:27:03.88 || +61:52:24.5 || 17x10 || 8.13 +/- 0.40 || || || || MAMBO: 551 onoffs. || || K3-50A || 20:01:45.69 || +33:32:43.5 || 11x9 || 6.66 +/- 0.20 || || || || MAMBO: 231 onoffs. || || NGC7538 || 23:13:45.38 || +61:28:10.3 || 16x13 || 5.79 +/- 0.50 || || || || MAMBO: 300 onoffs. || || IRAS16293 || 16:32:22.70 || -24:28:32.0 || 10 || 5.30 +/- 0.30 || || || || MAMBO: 105 onoffs. || || CepA || 22:56:17.93 || +62:01:49.5 || 27x15 || 3.82 +/- 0.20 || || || || MAMBO: 162 onoffs. || || NGC7027 || 21:07:01.59 || +42:14:10.1 || 9x8 || 3.14 +/- 0.10 || || || || MAMBO: 139 onoffs. || || CRL618 || 04:42:53.35 || +36:06:52.6 || 6x5 || 2.93 +/- 0.10 || || || || MAMBO: 366 onoffs. || || G45.1 || 19:13:22.07 || +10:50:53.4 || 13x9 || 2.69 +/- 0.20 || || || || MAMBO: 264 onoffs. || || GL490 || 03:27:38.84 || +58:47:00.5 || 16x11 || 2.11 +/- 0.20 || || || || MAMBO: 175 onoffs. || || CRL2688 || 21:02:18.80 || +36:41:37.6 || 9x2 || 1.83 +/- 0.10 || || || || MAMBO: 97 onoffs. || || MWC349 || 20:32:45.57 || +40:39:36.4 || <0.5 || 1.70 +/- 0.10 || || || || MAMBO: 86 onoffs. || || L1551-IRS5 || 04:31:34.17 || +18:08:05.1 || 15x11 || 1.51 +/- 0.20 || || || || MAMBO: 634 onoffs. || || CW-LEO || 09:47:57.38 || +13:16:43.6 || 14x13 || 1.29 +/- 0.05 || || || || MAMBO: 1125 onoffs. || || LKHALF234 || 21:43:06.79 || +66:06:54.4 || 21x14 || 1.00 +/- 0.10 || || || || MAMBO: 291 onoffs. || || HLTAU || 04:31:38.45 || +18:13:57.9 || 7x3 || 0.96 +/- 0.05 || || || || MAMBO: 231 onoffs. || || HD-163296 || 17:56:21.29 || -21:57:21.9 || -- || 0.69 +/- 0.20 || || || || MAMBO: 4 onoffs. || || LKHALF101 || 04:30:14.40 || +35:16:24.1 || -- || 0.57 +/- 0.00 || || || || MAMBO: 117 onoffs. || || ALF-ORI || 05:55:10.28 || +07:24:25.4 || 7x3 || 0.34 +/- 0.02 || || || || MAMBO: 133 onoffs. || See also the secondary calibrators for continuum measurements [[attachment:lisenfeld-2000-secondary-calibs-for-mambo.pdf | report ]] by Lisenfeld et al. (2000). ---- == Asteroids == Some asteroids have quite excentric orbits, and their temperatures thus vary quite a bit. In addition, the smaller ones have non-circular shapes and thus also rotational variability on scales of few hours. However, the four largest asteroids (Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, and Lutetia) present a flux accuracy better than 5% and therefore, they can be used as reliable calibrators for the IRAM 30m continuum cameras (see the [[attachment:AstPrimeCal_poster.pdf | poster]] courtesy of Thomas Mueller). Thomas Mueller provided flux predictions at different wavelengths for these four asteroids until 2020: ||[[attachment:Ceres]]||[[attachment:Pallas]]||[[attachment:Vesta]]||[[attachment:Lutetia]]|| The following figure summarizes the flux predictions at 1.3 mm for the period 2014-2015: {{attachment:Asteroids_f1300mu.png}} === Ceres === {{{ SOURCE Body Ceres 2456551.202069534158 80.32764144660911 72.29215117844517 10.59398142371781 2.557090856996202 .07579725984872261 }}} === Pallas === {{{ SOURCE Body Pallas 2456634.320680106518 173.1023717671647 309.9337060321055 34.83625656930519 2.130435195136733 .2315650120848084 }}} === Vesta === {{{ SOURCE Body Vesta 2456923.695134388993 103.8514828145328 151.1995756082146 7.140518203879475 2.152395790927782 .08850244223456388 }}} === Lutetia === {{{ SOURCE Body Lutetia 2457274.428494472523 80.88533411704726 250.2363739926752 3.06386567315565 2.034005484901541 .1644593151184061 }}} ----- Author: Israel Hermelo (IRAM 30m continuum pool manager) email: hermelo@iram.es Created: 2014.01.14 Last update: 2014.01.25