!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! README !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!! !!! Run: 3rd NIKA pool !!! !!! Project: 199-14 !!! !!! PI: Israel Hermelo !!! !!! Contact: hermelo@iram.es !!! !!! Target: Dust in the nearby dwarf galaxy NGC4449 !!! !!! Allocated time: 10 hours !!! !!! Last update: 2015 JAN 24 (IH) !!! !!! !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEATHER CONDITIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the proposal we asked for pmw < 7 mm. => tau_225GHz = 0.0405 * pmw + 0.0105 ~ 0.3 Therefore, this project is meant to be observed only when tau is < 0.3. However, in conditions of good stability, values up to tau ~0.5 are acceptable. In case of doubt ask the AoD. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OBSERVATIONS BOOKKEEPING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We prepared a script to observe our target (see ~/199-14/observe_NGC4449.pako) consisting of 3 rounds of on-the-fly maps. The scanning direction adopts 4 different values (0, 45, 90, and 135 deg) to avoid artifacts (e.g., stripes). The execution of the script will take ~2 hours (3 rounds x 4 angles x 8 min + overheads due to pointing and focus), so "observe_NGC4449" should be executed 5 times to reach the allocated time. If you observe this project, please keep the number of iterations updated. Galaxy Visibility (UT) Script Niter NGC4449 07:00-16:00 observe_NGC4449 0/5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INSTRUCTIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See our wiki and/or ask the AoD if you have questions: -> http://www.iram.es/IRAMES/mainWiki/NIKA/Main Load the setup script in PaKo: PAKO> @ ~/199-14/setup_199-14 Do a pointing on a nearby pointing source: PAKO> source 1144+402 /cat * PAKO> @ cont_pointing Introduce the pointing corrections in PaKo: PAKO> set pointing xx yy Check the value of the FWHM. Before to start the observations the telescope must be well focused. In case of doubt see the wiki and/or ask the AoD. Load the observing script: PAKO> @ ~/199-14/observe_NGC4449 This is a long script, so once it is done, repeat the pointing and check again if the telescope needs to be focused. Thank you very much! Israel Hermelo