1st NIKA pool organization
Login information
Observations will be carried from a dedicated pool account
Ask I. Hermelo for the login information
Note that this information is also valid for TAPAS and the Pool data base.
1st NIKA Pool: Room occupancy
The 1st NIKA pool pool will take place from the 18th to the 28th of February 2014.
Fri 14 |
Sat 15 |
Sun 16 |
Mon 17 |
Tue 18 |
Wed 19 |
Thu 20 |
Fri 21 |
Sat 22 |
Sun 23 |
Mon 24 |
Tue 25 |
Wed 26 |
Thu 27 |
Fri 28 |
Sat 01 |
Sun 02 |
IRAM Team |
Nicolas Billot |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
Israel Hermelo |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
Carsten Kramer |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
Juan Penalver |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
TD |
External Observers |
Jean-François Lestrade |
R1 |
T3 |
T3 |
T3 |
T3 |
T3 |
T3 |
R1 |
Anaelle Maury |
R2 |
T4 |
T4 |
T4 |
R1 |
Hervé Aussel |
R1 |
T4 |
T4 |
T4 |
R2 |
Vinod Arumugam |
R1 |
T3 |
T3 |
T3 |
T3 |
R1 |
R1 |
Min Fang |
R2 |
T4 |
T4 |
T4 |
T4 |
R2 |
TD is the AoD's room. T3 and T4 are single rooms booked for the external observers. TA, TB, and TC are double rooms booked for the NIKA staff.
Proposals participating in the 1st NIKA Pool (February 2014)
Project |
PI |
Affiliation |
Title |
NIKA instrument-FoP |
Target description |
118-13 |
Emmanuel Lellouch |
Observatoire de Paris |
Pluto’s thermal emission at radio-wavelengths |
Juan Macías-Pérez |
Israel Hermelo |
Point source |
146-13 |
Philippe André |
Service d’Astrophysique – CEA Saclay |
Probing the inner structure of the Taurus main filament |
Nicolas Ponthieu |
Nicolas Billot |
Extended emission larger than the array |
151-13 |
Luca Bizzocchi |
Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa |
Unveiling dust evolution and deuteration across pre-stellar cores |
Juan Macías-Pérez |
Nicolas Billot |
Extended/compact emission smaller than the array |
166-13 |
Aurora Sicilia-Aguilar |
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid |
A new Class 0 object in IC1396A: Multi-episodic star formation? |
Rémi Adam |
Nicolas Billot |
Extended/compact emission larger than the array |
173-13 |
Jean-Franois Lestrade |
Observatoire de Paris |
Modelling the azimuthal structures of the debris disk around E Eri |
Francois-Xavier Desert |
Nicolas Billot |
Extended emission smaller than the array |
174-13 |
Attila Moór |
Konkoly Observatory |
An atypical case for planetesimal stirring? |
Nicolas Ponthieu |
Nicolas Billot |
Extended emission smaller than the array |
193-13 |
Israel Hermelo |
The dust SED of dwarf galaxies: NGC1569 and NGC4449 |
Francois-Xavier Desert |
Israel Hermelo |
Extended emission smaller than the array |
226-13 |
Alberto Castro-Tirado |
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía |
Searching for the bright reverse shock emission in GRBs |
Francois-Xavier Desert |
Carsten Kramer |
Point source |
230-13 |
Ran Wang |
Steward Observatory |
Star Formation in High Redshift Lensed Quasar Host Galaxies |
Nicolas Ponthieu |
Albrecht Sievers |
Point source |
231-13 |
Alain Omont |
Identifying high-z single-halo proto-clusters of H-ATLAS submm galaxies |
Francois-Xavier Desert |
Albrecht Sievers |
Point source |
232-13 |
Herve Dole & Macías-Pérez |
Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale |
Confirming z≥2 cluster candidates observed by Planck and Herschel |
Juan Macías-Pérez |
Albrecht Sievers |
Point source |
234-13 |
Matthieu Béthermin |
ESO Garching |
Dust content in a merger of two very-high-mass galaxies at z∼3.2 |
Nicolas Ponthieu |
Israel Hermelo |
Point source |
237-13 |
Rémi Adam & Barbara Comis |
Thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich mapping of high redshift galaxy clusters |
Barbara Comis |
Carsten Kramer |
Extended, larger than the array |
239-13 |
Fuyan Bian |
Australian National University |
Dust Continuum Emission in the Most Luminous z∼3 Lyman Break Galaxy |
Juan Macías-Pérez |
Israel Hermelo |
Point source |
240-13 |
Rob Ivison & Ismael Perez Fournon |
The space density and environments of z>4 ultra-red Herschel SMGs |
Francois-Xavier Desert |
Carsten Kramer |
Point source |
NIKA instrument-FoP: Support in data processing and related questions.
IRAM-FoP: Local contact and support in observing strategies and data storage / retrieval.